Many men are dissatisfied with the size, proportionality, and overall appearance of their calves. As with other parts of the body which men find particularly vital to a youthful and aesthetic look – including biceps, triceps, and pectorals – the use of implants is highly effective for bodily enhancement. With years of experience under his belt, board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Douglas Steinbrech offers calf implants in Chicago to men of all ages and backgrounds. If you spend hours in the gym and yet can’t seem to maximize calf growth, or if you are simply dissatisfied with the proportionality of your legs, calf implants allow you to meet your personal bodily ideal. A safe and effective outpatient procedure, calf implants enlarge the lower legs, adding definition.

Like other types of implants, calf implants are made of a soft silicone material. BBefore the day of surgery, patients are able to choose the size and appearance of their implants, ensuring the end result fulfills each individual’s goals. Implants are then custom-shaped to ensure they conform to each patient’s body. Depending on the patient, one or two implants may be used in each leg.
It is not uncommon, especially among men who work out, for the upper body to develop much quicker than the lower body. This often results in an uneven appearance. Even hyper-focusing workouts on the calves may not solve this problem. In these cases, in order to even out the physique between the upper and lower body, implants can be used. Implants can be the ultimate solution for men in Chicago who struggle to develop substantial muscle in their calves.
Calf implants are also used to treat men who suffer from an underdeveloped or shrunken leg. This may be the result of a congenital condition or an injury. In such cases, calf implants are vital to restoring a more normal appearance and greatly aid patients’ mental health.
Fortunately, receiving calf implants involves a relatively simple outpatient procedure, from which the patient will be able to return home almost immediately. When performed by an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Steinbrech, the operation carries very low risk. Calf implant surgery is performed under general anesthesia, administered by an anesthesiologist to ensure maximum patient safety and comfort.
On the day of operation, once the patient is asleep, a small incision is made behind the knee. The customized implants, made of a soft silicone material, are inserted into the leg. During surgery, once the initial incision is made, the calf implant is placed behind the fascia, immediately under the skin and in front of the posterior muscles of the calves. The placement of the implant in what is known as the posterior compartment ensures that the implant is held securely in place. Once the implants are placed in both legs, the incisions are sutured. These sutures are dissolvable, and do not need to be manually removed. The placement of the incisions, generally behind the knee, prevents noticeable scarring or signs of surgery.
For men in Chicago seeking an aesthetic enhancement of the lower body, calf implants are a great solution. This is especially true if natural development of calf muscles has reached a plateau through exercise and diet alone. If you are seeking to emphasize the bulk of your calf, increase definition or achieve higher levels of muscular symmetry, calf implants may be a good option. Calf implants may also be implemented to correct lower leg defects. Defects that have resulted from disease, injury or preexisting birth conditions may be correctable with calf implants.
All candidates should be in overall good physical health, and must be medically cleared for surgery beforehand. This will be discussed with Dr. Steinbrech at the initial consultation in his Chicago office.
Though it is an outpatient procedure, patients should arrange transportation from Dr. Steinbrech’s Chicago practice. For the first few days, patients must avoid driving and unassisted walking. This will reduce any complications of the healing process. Upon completion of the procedure, the patient’s legs will be sore, though patients are encouraged to walk with assistance. Unassisted walking, driving and low-stress leg activities are all possible within three to five days after calf implant surgery. In three to four weeks after surgery, the patient may return to regular gym workouts (including calf and leg exercises).