Despite putting in work at the gym, some men still struggle to achieve more prominent glutes. This could leave one’s physique looking disproportionate or result in low self-esteem. There is a solution, however, for men who desire a fuller and shapelier backside but have been resistant to diet and exercise. Male gluteal enhancement is an option for patients to add size and shape to the buttocks in order to create a more defined and masculine physique. Men in the Chicago area who are interested in undergoing a gluteal enhancement or want to learn more should first consult with the Male Plastic Surgery group.

Gluteal enhancement is a cosmetic surgery procedure designed to shape and add size to the buttocks. The buttocks can be affected by the aging process, as well as weight loss and other body changes. Therefore, this type of augmentation is recommended to men when traditional methods such as diet, exercise or genetics have prevented them from attaining the look they desire. Unlike females, the goal of male gluteal enhancement is greater projection while still maintaining a narrow appearance. This yields a more youthful, angular and athletic build.
Those who have a deficit of fat deposit in their buttock region have three options for gluteal enhancement: silicone implants, fat transfer or a combination of the two. The proper gluteal enhancement technique will be determined based on a number of factors. The patient’s butt size and shape. How much fat is present on the body and available for use. In addition to skin quality and personal activity level. Both of these procedures, however, have the ability to transform a patient’s silhouette and even self-esteem.
Gluteal enhancement can be achieved through the use of silicone implants or by transferring the patient’s existing fat, known as BodyBanking®. Sometimes, patients have the best result when using implants and selective fat transfer together.
BodyBanking® is a plastic surgery procedure that transfers fat from unwanted parts of the body to other areas that need improving. Typically, the fat cells are harvested during liposuction. After administering a local anesthetic, your surgeon will make a small incision in the area from which fat is to be removed. Then, using a cannula attached to a syringe, they will carefully extract the fat. Instead of discarding the cells, the fat is processed to remove impurities and then injected back into isolated areas of the body. The buttocks are just one region where a fat transfer can provide volume and shape.
For men that present a leaner physique, gluteal implants are recommended. This procedure involves the placement of soft silicone implants through incisions made just below the tailbone. Ultimately, the implant will sit beneath the gluteal muscle and above the pelvic bone. Once the implants are inserted into the pocket, the incisions will be sutured closed and drains will be put into place. Patients are required to wear a compression garment following surgery.
Men that struggle to achieve fuller buttocks naturally or are unhappy with how their backside looks may be interested in gluteal enhancement. A good candidate should be a non-smoker and in good overall health. Ideal patients for gluteal enhancement via fat transfer should have a sufficient amount of excess body fat present. For the procedure to be successful, they should have an accumulation of weight in the flanks and lower abdominal area. It should also be noted that the younger the patient is, the better chance they have for fat survival during BodyBanking®. Men with very little fat, oftentimes bodybuilders, would be ideal candidates for gluteal implants.
The recovery for gluteal enhancement will vary according to the surgical procedure. For men who undergo fat transfer, there is little to no downtime post-op. Minor swelling and bruising are expected but will subside after two days. Patients can return to their daily routine immediately.
If the gluteal implant procedure is performed, patients can expect a two-week recovery period. Following surgery, patients will have to wear a compression garment around the buttocks for up to eight weeks. Drains that have been placed will be removed after seven days. It’s advised that patients refrain from sitting on their glutes during recovery, therefore you’ll be instructed to lie on your stomach or side when resting. Your surgeon will prescribe oral pain medication should you experience any discomfort.