Are you unable to develop your shoulder muscles, no matter how intensive your weight training routine is? Do you currently suffer from trauma in the deltoid region? Whether you’re looking to enhance your appearance or strengthen the muscles in your upper arms, we have the solution for you! We are proud to offer shoulder implants in Chicago. This procedure is safe and effective. Its silicone implant technology has been successfully used in medical treatments for decades. Read on to learn more about what a shoulder implant is, how they work, and whether this procedure is right for you.

Shoulder implant procedures are a type of cosmetic surgery performed in the upper arm area. This surgery is also referred to as deltoid augmentation. The goal of a shoulder implant is to increase muscle mass in the shoulder by making the deltoid muscle more bulky and defined. The procedure is commonly used by those who have suffered trauma or other injury to their shoulder region or are experiencing asymmetry in their arms. However, it may also be right for anyone who otherwise desires more bulk and definition in their deltoid muscles. Shoulder implant surgery has been performed safely for over ten years with proven results. It makes use of silicone implants to artificially enhance the contour and mass of natural muscle in the deltoid region. These implants vary in shape and size. Your doctor will work with you to decide the specifications of your implants depending on your individual needs and desires. Silicone implants are usually made of solid silicone gel. This material is a safe polymer derived from the element of the same name. Silicone is firm yet comfortable and is commonly used in other implants, such as those of the cheek and jaw.
The first step in the shoulder implant procedure is the creation of incisions in the deltoid muscle area. Then, the surgeon will make a “pocket” under this muscle layer and place the shoulder implants inside this “pocket.” The final step in the procedure is closing the incisions with sutures. This surgery typically makes use of general anesthesia and takes approximately two hours. On average, patients will see an increase of one inch in the mass of their deltoid region upon full recovery from the procedure. Results will typically not begin to be visible for approximately one month from the date of the procedure. However, they will be noticeable and long-lasting. This is because the firm, yet flexible silicone shoulder implants are designed to retain their shape, so they will conform to existing shoulder muscles over time. These implants give patients the appearance of a wider, more voluminous neck and shoulder area. Such attractive proportions between the head and body create a more athletic, defined, and masculine look. Shoulder implant surgery leaves minuscule hairline scars. However, these are located in the front and back of the armpit, so they are hardly visible and will fade over time.
Any adult with fully developed skeletal and muscular systems is a good candidate for shoulder implants. Complete development of these systems typically occurs at around twenty-one years of age. All candidates should also be in good health and be non-smokers. Those with medical or cosmetic conditions like Sprengel’s disease as well as those who seek a more athletic and toned appearance are common recipients of this treatment. However, each prospective patient must consult with their doctor to decide whether shoulder implants are a viable option for them and determine the exact specifications of their implants.
Immediately after undergoing a shoulder implant procedure, patients will need to rest for several days. However, in most cases, they may resume most of their regular activities after about a week. Recovering patients will need to refrain from heavy lifting and other physical activity involving the arms for approximately six weeks. During this period, they will use a wrap on their shoulder area. It is normal to have difficulty lifting your arms for the first few weeks post-procedure. Swelling in the deltoid region may persist for about three months, and full healing typically takes approximately six months.